When deciding whether or not to invest in a cosmetic dental treatment, a worthwhile exercise is to evaluate your confidence level. Have your teeth ever kept you from smiling, laughing or speaking in front of others? Do you get the feeling that people are staring at your teeth when you’re talking to them? Cosmetic dentistry treatments can help you achieve your most confident smile.


Patients who feel confident about their smiles are more likely to take better care of their dental health.

Ready To Schedule Your Appointment?

What to expect at your cosmetic consultation


To begin, you should discuss with your dentist how you honestly feel about your smile. What are the issues or imperfections that make you feel self-conscious? What would you change? What are the parts you like and appreciate about your smile? It’s all relevant and it’s all important for your doctor to understand. 


Next, your dentist will give you a comprehensive oral exam to identify any issues that may disqualify you from a particular treatment. Cosmetic dentistry should only be performed on healthy teeth. If you require any restorative work, your doctor will let you know at this time.


Once Dr. Awasthy has examined your mouth and discussed with you your problems and preferences, they will provide you with a recommended treatment plan.


There are many different ways to restore a smile, so your dentist may provide several options and let you choose which best suits your lifestyle, budget, and priorities.


Once you and your dentist have agreed on a treatment plan that works for you, we’ll help you schedule your treatment appointments. Our team can also discuss payment options with you at this time.


Take-Home Teeth Whitening

Take-home whitening lets you whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home, and provides more subtle, gradual results over the course of about a week. 

We’ll first take impressions of your teeth using either dental putty or digitally with an intraoral scanner. With these impressions, a set of reusable custom whitening trays will be manufactured just for you. 

Once the trays are ready, they’ll be given to you along with the whitening product and instructions for their use. Simply follow your dentist’s instructions, and you’ll get professional-grade results in no time!

In-Office Teeth Whitening

In-office whitening is done by your dentist, and provides fast results. Treatments can brighten your smile up to 10 shades in about an hour, so the treatment is perfect if you want to whiten your teeth for an upcoming special occasion. 

Your dentist will apply a special protective gel to your gums, while using retractors to keep your cheeks away from your teeth and the whitening treatment. Then, they will apply a powerful whitener to your teeth and activate it with a UV light. After usually around an hour, the treatment is rinsed away to reveal a brighter, more beautiful smile. This process may be repeated several times over multiple appointments to achieve your desired level of whiteness.

Dental Bonding, Shaping & Contouring

Dental bonding uses a special tooth-colored dental resin, that is applied directly to your tooth during treatment. Your dentist will shape and sculpt this resin to correct the shape of your tooth, restoring the look and functionality of your smile. This procedure typically takes only 30-60 minutes per tooth, and is completely non-invasive.

Shaping & contouring (enameloplasty) is also often used alongside bonding. In this process, a thin layer of enamel is removed from uneven teeth or teeth with imperfections like points or minor chipping. This provides you with a more even, appealing smile. 


Veneers are tooth-shaped dental prostheses that cover the front surfaces of your teeth. These thin shells of porcelain allow you to treat small gaps between teeth, severe staining, misshapen or uneven teeth, and much more. They are very durable and long-lasting, and can completely transform your smile. However, they are permanent and cannot be removed. This is because they require the removal of some of your natural enamel, which is an irreversible process.

Cosmetic Dental Makeovers

Not sure if any of the above treatments are right for you, or think you may need multiple treatments to restore your smile? Ask your dentist about a cosmetic dental makeover. 

A cosmetic dental makeover is a customized, multi-treatment plan that’s designed to treat and address every issue you may have with your smile. The process is different for each patient, and often involves multiple cosmetic and restorative dental procedures. But the goal for every patient is to have them feeling proud of their smiles after all procedures are complete.


Teeth can be brightened up to 10  shades in a single in-office teeth whitening session. It’s also the most popular cosmetic dental treatment.

Interested in cosmetic services?

Have questions about cosmetic dentistry? Find answers here.


Cosmetic treatments and restorative dentistry are often used in combination to transform patients’ smiles.

Ready for a new smile?

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1673 Middlesex St Lowell, Massachusetts 01851

Phone: 978-455-3775 Fax: 978-455-8469



  • Monday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: BY APPOINTMENT
  • Sunday: Closed